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All Italians Translations

quality translations since 1990.

AIT, your partner in translations from and into Italian, permits you to avoid the problems of multilingualism.

It places a team of experienced translators at your service in the most varied fields.

Our role is to advise, to guide, to reassure you and to offer you an "integrated" structure capable of handling your terminology while respecting your image before third parties.


Text translation is not a standardized product.


Regardless of the new technologies arising from modern linguistic engineering, translation will always remain a basically "handicraft" activity. People will always speak of the "art" of translating well.


That is why AIT has established three levels of quality in translation work, corresponding to three progressive degrees of performance in the quest of excellence in writing.


What's holding you back ? The cost.


Budgets are becoming increasingly restrictive, so that many people prefer to rely on "in-house" translation capability.

But while "bilingual" employees may know how to translate, it must nevertheless be admitted that texts translated "in-house" do not possess the same linguistic sensitivity as texts translated by professionals - sufficient reason, in itself, to entrust your drafts, contracts, and brochures to true professionals, like ourselves.


We are observing an increasing awareness that professional translation work is essential to all sectors, both public and private. The monopoly of the "English" language in international documents is gradually giving away to multilingualism.

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